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Monday 29 July 2013

How to Create a Strong Password

How to Secure Facebook , Gmail , Yahoo accounts From Hackers With Strong Passwords

With my Recent Posts on Password cracking I thought it was a good Idea to create a post on How to Create a Strong Password that would be safe against cracking attacks.

  • Wordlist (pass list)

 Is a list of “words” containing letters, numbers and special characters usually of common passwords and dictionary words. There Wordlist range in size from a thousand words to millions of words.
Creating a strong password is hard because you need to be able to remember it and if you make to complicates you want be able to but if it’s too simple it will get cracked, it’s all about the balance.
“tNk8@2k*UXMpc)” is a Strong password but it is too complicated and hard to remember and for the average person this type of complication is unnecessary.
“20%r81Nb0w@flUtt3r” is a perfectly strong password because it’s stronger than first password against brute force attacks and is a lot easier to remember especially to MLP fans. This password may still be overly long for the average user but you get the idea.

  • Creating a Strong Password Process

This is my own strong password generating process I have create and do not claim it is the best but it’s pretty simple and generates a really strong password that’s not a bunch of random characters you could never remember.
First take 2 words that are neither your name, the title of your favorite book or movie or something along those lines you might want to use thesauruses for this.
The 2 words I choose where Warp and Kittens.
Next separate your password by a 2 digit number or a symbol.
My Example: warp@kittens
Then replace a couple of the letters with numbers
My Example:w8rp@ki77en5
Next capitalize about half of the rest of the letters.
My Example: W8rP@ki77eN5
Finally add a symbol and numbers at the end, beginning, either side or both.
My Example:97W8rP@ki77eN5*
And this is my process of creating a secure password the strong and easily remembered.

  • How Strong is My Example Password

The Example password I created above would take 1.49 hundred thousand trillion centuries to crack over the internet assuming 1000 guesses per second which is a would be considered a fast online attack. If you were to brute the password using the simple counting algorithm the cracking software would have to guess 468,219,860,267,835,848,675,991,626,495 passwords before guess the correct password. So with these result I concluded this password is extremely secure.

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