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Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Best Network Security


How to get Higher Internet Security

TED: An annual conference with a the goal educating the world about “Ideas Worth Spreading”
In the post when I say “they” I am referring to the people that set up and run TEDxYouthWaterloo and are responsible for setting up wireless internet at they location.
Recently I Attended TEDxYouthWaterloo with my School and I was disappointed to find out there was no Wi-Fi provide at an event so in tangled with social media and the internet, forcing people use their data plan on their cell phone or go without the internet for the rest day.

  • The Best Network Security?

There decision to not provide Wi-Fi does of have some reasoning especially security wise. This maybe obvious but the most secure network is simply a network that doesn’t exist. So if you’re in a situation where security is key, it’s best to avoid networking especially wireless.

  • Were the Security Measures they took Necessary?

In my opinion not providing wireless internet was 110% a mistake at TEDxYouthWaterloo. According to my teacher they provided Wi-Fi last year but it was really patchy. I they decide they didn’t won’t Wi-Fi because it was to patchy last year then they should have upgraded there routers or even just kept it as it was at least you cou
ld connect if you stranded in the right place. If you can think of any other reason that they didn’t provide wireless tell me in the comments below.

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